
发布时间:2020-12-29 14:34   浏览量:
专业名称 课程代码 课程中文名称 课程英文名称 学分 总学时
Computer Science and Technology
05110170 可视化程序设计课程设计 Visual Programming Courses Design 2.0 32
05110127 数据结构课程设计 Data Structure Course Design 1.0 16
05110188 计算机算法基础Ⅰ Basis of Computer Algorithm I 2.0 32
05110139 数据结构I The Data Structure I 5.0 80
05110186 编译原理I Compilation Principle I 2.0 32
05110138 计算机组成原理课程设计 Curriculum Design of Computer Constitute Principle 2.0 32
05140163 移动设备程序设计课程设计I Mobile Device Programming Course Design of I 2.0 32
05110187 操作系统I Operating System I 2.0 32
05130115 人机交互技术 The Human-Computer Interaction Technology 3.0 48
05110354 计算机算法基础 The Basis of Computer Algorithm 3.0 48
05110112 操作系统课程设计 The Operating System Course Design 1.0 16
05110359 模式识别基础 Pattern Recognition Is Based 2.0 32
12130119 离散数学II Discrete Mathematics Ii 3.0 48
05150313 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality 2.0 32
05110369 计算机专业英语 Computer Professional English 2.0 32
05120330 计算机信息安全 The Computer Information Security 2.0 32
05110111 操作系统 The Operating System 4.0 64
05110356 计算机专业英语 Computer Professional English 2.0 32
05110114 汇编语言程序设计 Assembly Language Programming 3.0 48
05140328 嵌入式系统开发 Embedded System Development 3.0 48
05190111 计算机导论 Introduction to Computer 2.0 32
05110110 编译原理 Compilation Principle 3.0 48
05140106 计算机组成原理 Computer Composition Principle 4.0 64
05140134 计算机体系结构课程设计 Computer Architecture Design Course 2.0 32
05140315 计算机接口技术 Computer Interface Technology 3.0 48
05110361 人工智能导论 An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2.0 32
05110383 嵌入式系统基础 An Embedded System Based 3.0 64
05140102 计算机体系结构 Computer Architecture 3.0 48
05000118 创新教育与科研训练 Innovation Education and Scientific Research Training 2.0 32
05140345 移动设备程序设计 Mobile Device Programming 3.0 48
05150305 视频特技与非线性编辑 Video Effects and Nonlinear Editing 3.0 48
05140104 计算机接口与通信 Computer Interface and Communication 3.0 48
05110137 计算机组成原理Ⅰ Computer Composition Principle I 3.0 48
05140162 移动设备程序设计I Mobile Device Programming I 2.0 32
05110126 数据结构 The Data Structure 4.0 64
05110145 嵌入式系统原理与技术 Principle of Embedded System and Technology 2.0 32
05140109 计算机通讯与接口 Computer Communication and Interface 3.0 48
05130151 移动设备程序设计课程设计 Mobile Device Programming Courses Design 1.0 16
06110142 可视化程序设计I Visualized Programming I 2.0 32
05110194 嵌入式系统课程设计 An Embedded System Course Design 1.0 16
COMP4103 Linux操作系统II The Linux Operating System Ii 3.5 56
COMP4116 操作系统课程设计I The Operating System Course Design I 2.0 32
05110370 人工智能导论I Introduction to Artificial Intelligence I 3.0 48
05110379 机器学习 Machine Learning 2.0 32
05140334 嵌入式网络系统开发 Embedded Network System Development 3.0 48
05110358 模式识别 Pattern Recognition 1.5 24
05110189 计算机理论基础 Computer Theory Basis 3.0 48
05110141 汇编语言设计 Assembly Language Design 2.0 32
05110365 数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing (Dsp) 2.0 32
05110135 组成原理课程设计 The Composition Principle of Curriculum Design 1.0 16
MATH4106 人工智能概论 An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2.5 40
05110107 Linux操作系统 Linux Operating System 2.0 32
05110140 数据结构课程设计I Data Structure Course Design I 2.0 32
Software Engineering
05110185 JAVA程序设计I Java Programming I 3.0 48
05140342 网络游戏开发 Network Game Development 2.0 32
05130112 软件体系结构 The Software Architecture 2.0 32
05140154 网络游戏开发课程设计 Course Design of Network Game Development 2.0 32
05130110 软件需求分析 Software Requirements Analysis 3.0 48
05130104 软件工程概论 An Introduction to the Software Engineering 3.0 48
05110123 面向对象的程序设计 Object Oriented Programming 4.0 64
05130160 软件工程学课程设计 Software Engineering Course Design 2.0 32
05110118 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 2.0 32
05110124 面向对象的程序设计课程设计 Object-Oriented Program Design Course of Design 2.0 32
05130114 软件项目管理 Software Project Management 2.0 32
05130103 软件工程实习 Software Engineering Practice 4.0 64
05110351 JAVA程序设计 Java Programming 4.0 64
05140336 软件构件与中间件 Software Component and the Middleware 2.0 32
05130373 计算机游戏技术 The Computer Game Technology 2.0 32
05110180 JAVA程序设计课程设计 Java Program Design Course Design 1.0 16
05000108 生产实习 The Production Practice 4.0 64
05110183 面向对象的程序设计Ⅰ Object-Oriented Programming I 3.5 56
05130124 软件工程导论 An Introduction to the Software Engineering 3.5 56
05130317 软件工程专业英语 The Software Engineering Professional English 1.5 32
05130164 软件测试课程设计 Software Testing Course Design 1.0 16
05130166 软件工程学I Software Engineering I 2.0 32
05130342 移动设备软件应用与开发 Mobile Software Application and Development 2.0 32
05130165 软件工程概论I Introduction to the Software Engineering I 2.0 32
05130167 软件需求分析课程设计 Course Design of the Software Requirements Analysis 1.0 16
05110196 JAVA程序设计课程设计I Java Program Design Course Design I 2.0 32
05130344 软件中间件技术 Software Middleware Technology 2.0 32
COMP4202 JAVA程序设计II Java Programming Ii 3.5 56
05130113 软件测试 Software Testing 3.0 48
05130152 UML面向对象建模与设计 Uml Object-Oriented Modeling and Design 3.0 48
05140335 软件测试技术 Software Testing Technology 2.0 32
05110376 Windows编程I Windows Programming I 2.0 32
COMP4220 Web应用程序设计 Web Application Design 2.0 32
05130327 程序设计思想与设计模式 Program Design Ideas and Design Patterns 2.0 32
05130153 UML面向对象建模与设计课程设计 Uml Object-Oriented Modeling and Design Curriculum Design 1.0 16
05130111 统一建模语言UML The Unified Modeling Language Uml 3.0 48
05130105 软件工程学 Software Engineering 3.0 48
05110372 Windows编程 Windows Programming 3.0 48
Data Science and Big Data Technology
05120328 Web高级程序设计 Senior Web Programming 3.0 48
05130163 高级开发技术 Advanced Development Technology 2.0 32
05130162 高级编程技术Ⅰ Advanced Programming Technology I 4.0 64
05120151 大型数据库应用课程设计 Large Database Application Program Design 2.0 32
05110357 决策支持系统 Decision Support System 2.0 32
05120337 XML技术 Xml Technology 3.0 48
05120143 网络编程技术 Network Programming Technology 4.0 64
05140331 基于.NET开发技术 Based On the.Net Development Technology 2.0 32
05120116 数据库应用 The Database Application 2.0 32
05120134 计算机系统与系统软件课程设计 The Computer System and System Software Design Course 1.0 16
05120115 数据库系统课程设计 Course Design of Database System 1.0 16
05120119 信息管理学概论 Introduction to Information Management 2.5 40
05130323 高级编程技术课程设计 Advanced Programming Technology Curriculum Design 1.0 16
05120118 信息存储与检索 Information Storage and Retrieval 3.0 48
05120331 数据仓库与数据挖掘 Data Warehouse and Data Mining 2.0 32
05110193 Linux操作系统课程设计 Linux Operating System Course Design 1.0 16
05140330 基于J2EE开发技术 Based On the J2Ee Development Technology 2.0 32
05120329 大型数据库应用 A Large Database Application 3.0 48
05110184 Linux操作系统Ⅰ Linux Operating System I 3.0 48
05120112 计算机系统与系统软件 The Computer System and System Software 4.0 64
05120101 电子商务课程设计 Electronic Commerce Course Design 2.0 32
12130160 数据挖掘 Data Mining 2.0 32
05120156 管理信息系统课程设计Ⅰ Management Information System Course Design I 1.0 16
05120110 管理信息系统 The Management Information System 4.0 64
05120141 信息技术导论 Introduction to Information Technology 3.0 48
05130320 高级编程技术 Advanced Programming Technology 3.0 48
COMP4414 大数据概论 Overview of Big Data 3.0 48
05121104 SQL-server Sql Server 3.0 48
IMIS3102 数据库系统原理 Principle of Database System 3.5 56
05120122 数据库系统概论I Introduction to Database System I 2.0 32
05110371 电子商务概论 An Introduction to E-Commerce 2.0 32
05110363 数据库应用系统设计 Database Application System Design 3.0 48
05120114 数据库系统概论 An Introduction to Database System 4.0 64
05120341 Solaris操作系统 The Solaris Operating System 3.0 48
05110375 数据库应用系统设计I Database Application System Design I 2.0 32
05120113 数据分析与挖掘 Data Analysis and Mining 1.5 24
COMP4405 Scala程序设计 The Scala Programming 3.0 48
05120111 管理信息系统课程设计 Management Information System Course Design 2.0 0
COMP4404 数据挖掘I Data Mining I 3.0 48
COMP4402 大规模分布式系统 Large-Scale Distributed Systems 3.0 48
COMP4413 大规模分布式系统课程设计 Course Design of Large-Scale Distributed System 2.0 32
05131106 软件项目管理及CMM基础 Software Project Management and Cmm Foundation 2.0 32
05120154 电子商务课程设计I Electronic Commerce Course Design I 1.0 16
05110377 电子商务概论I Introduction to E-Commerce I 3.0 48
COMP4401 Python程序设计 A Python Program Design 4.0 64
COMP4412 Python程序设计课程设计 A Python Program Design Course Design 1.0 16
IMIS3110 数据库系统原理课程设计 The Principle of Database System Curriculum Design 1.0 16
Digital Media Technology
05150102 数字图像处理基础 Digital Image Processing 3.0 48
12130128 数字图象处理课程设计 Digital Image Processing Course Design 2.0 32
05110353 多媒体技术 Multimedia Technology 2.5 40
05150307 计算机动画原理 Computer Animation Principle 3.0 48
05150115 数字媒体技术课程设计 Course Design of Digital Media Technology 2.0 32
05110119 计算机图形学课程设计 Computer Graphics Curriculum Design 1.5 24
05110122 可视化程序设计 Visual Programming 4.0 64
05150312 游戏设计与制作 Game Design and Production 2.0 32
05150301 数字视音频技术 Digital Audio Technology 3.0 48
05120155 多媒体技术I Multimedia Technology I 3.0 48
05150310 游戏设计与制作I Game Design and Production I 3.0 48
05110116 计算机图形学I Computer Graphics I 3.0 48
05150320 数字摄影摄像及处理 Digital Photographic Camera and Processing 3.0 48
05150314 数字媒体技术与应用 Digital Media Technology and Application 2.0 32
12130427 数字图象处理 Digital Image Processing 3.0 48
05120157 多媒体技术II The Multimedia Technology Ii 2.0 32
05150303 视频特技与非线性编辑I Video Effects and Non-Linear Editing I 2.0 32
05110384 人机界面设计 The Man-Machine Interface Design 2.0 36
12130162 数字图像处理及模式识别 Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 3.0 48
Network Engineering
05190330 计算机网络基础(通识) Computer Network Based (General) 2.0 32
05140343 网站开发工具 Web Development Tools 2.0 32
05140339 网络工程专业英语 Network Engineering Professional English 2.0 30
05140153 网络互联技术课程设计 Network Interconnection Technology Curriculum Design 1.0 16
05110120 计算机网络课程设计 Computer Network Course Design 2.0 32
05140107 数字逻辑 Digital Logic 3.0 48
05140111 网络互联技术 Network Interconnection Technology 3.0 48
05120340 网络安全基础 Network Security Foundation 3.0 48
05140160 计算机网络技术Ⅰ Computer Network Technology Ⅰ 2.0 32
05110195 嵌入式网络系统开发课程设计 Embedded Network System Development Course Design 2.0 32
05140359 趣味隐写术与密码术(通识) Gout Steganography and Cryptography (General) 2.0 32
05140161 网站开发工具I I In Website Development Tool 3.0 48
COMP4302 网络互联技术I Network Interconnection Technology I 3.5 56
COMP4106 计算机信息安全基础 The Computer Information Security Foundation 3.0 48
COMP4309 无线网络通信I Wireless Network Communication I 3.0 48
05120149 信息与网络技术 Information and Network Technology 1.5 32
05110128 数字逻辑课程设计 Course Design of Digital Logic 2.0 32
COMP3308 计算机网络技术课程设计I Computer Network Technology Course Design I 1.0 16
COMP3305 计算机网络技术课程设计 Computer Network Technology Course Design 2.0 32
COMP3303 计算机网络技术III Computer Network Technology Iii 3.5 56
05140113 网络设备及应用 Network Devices and Applications 2.0 48
05140105 计算机网络技术 Computer Network Technology 4.0 64
05120146 网络编程技术课程设计 Network Programming Technology Curriculum Design 1.0 16
05140327 EDA技术 Eda Technology 1.5 32
COMP3304 计算机网络基础 A Computer Network Based 2.0 32
05140150 TCP/IP协议分析 Tcp/Ip Protocol Analysis 3.0 48
Information and Computing Science
05120152 Web程序设计 Web Application Design 4.0 64
12130136 信息论与编码理论 Theory of Information and Coding 4.0 64
05120135 Web程序设计课程设计 Course Design of Web Programming 1.0 16
12130123 数学分析3 Mathematical Analysis 3 5.0 80
05110366 算法分析 Algorithm Analysis 3.0 48
12130138 运筹学 Operations Research 3.0 48
12130114 高等代数1 Advanced Algebra 1 4.0 64
12130117 空间解析几何 Space Analytic Geometry 2.0 32
12130118 离散数学I Discrete Mathematics I 4.0 64
12130121 数学分析1 Mathematical Analysis 1 5.0 80
12130306 矢量分析与场论 Vector Analysis and Field Theory 2.0 32
12130122 数学分析2 Mathematical Analysis 2 5.0 80
12110411 数值分析III Numerical Analysis Iii 2.0 32
12130324 数学模型 Mathematical Model 4.0 64
12130115 高等代数2 Advanced Algebra 2 3.5 56
12130347 复变函数与积分变换III Complex Function and Integral Transformation Ⅲ 2.0 32
05000104 毕业实习 Graduation Practice 4.0 64
12130159 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics 3.5 56
12130320 数据分析与应用软件 Data Analysis and Application Software 4.0 64
12130155 运筹学与最优化理论 Operations Research and Optimization Theory 5.0 80
12130163 优化理论及模型 Optimization Theory and Model 3.0 48
12130164 信息论与编码课程设计 Course Design for Theory of Information and Coding 1.0 16
12130131 算法分析课程设计 Course Design Gor Analysis Og Algorithm Analysis 2.0 32
12130165 信息论与编码理论I Theory of Information and Coding I 2.5 40
12110110 数值分析II Numerical Analysis Ⅱ 3.0 48
12130101 信息计算专业实习 Professional Pratice of Information and Computing Science 4.0 64
12130310 复变函数与积分变换I Complex Function and Integral Transformation Ⅰ 3.0 54
12130130 算法分析 Algorithm Analysis 4.0 64
12110109 数值分析I Numerical Analysis I 4.0 64
12130111 复变函数与积分变换II Complex Function and Integral Transformation Ⅱ 3.0 48
12130161 数值分析课程设计 Course Design for Numerical Analysis 1.0 16

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